Navajo Angora Goats


Tsékooh Tó Hahadleeh GIOVANNI

Introducing Giovanni, our new Navajo Angora herd sire.  Giovanni is direct descendant to the original herd of Navajo Angora goats given to Tee Lindsey by her paternal grandmother. The herd name Tsékooh Tó Hahadleeh refers specifically to the place in the SW corner of the Navajo Nation where Tee's family is from. It's not on any map but historically was a place within the canyon from which water was drawn up to the rim onto a mule-hitched wagon. I’m so grateful to Tee for Giovanni  and very proud to carry on this very special lineage of Navajo Angora. 




Tsékooh Tó Hahadleeh Giovanni is the son of Evan and Mr. Pollson. Grandson, on mother’s side, to Lil Blue Girl and Jay Begay’s big horned buck.  Great-grandson, on mother’s side, to Old Blue Girl.