Navajo Angora live for 12 to 14 years and are easy keepers, easy kidders, and easy to handle because of their smaller size. Navajo Angora goats can weigh from 65 - 95 lbs.  They thrive on hay and grass and are excellent brush clearers.

Navajo Angora  Goat
Navajo Angora  Goat


How do you harvest that highly prized fleece for your spinning and knitting? Dog Clippers! Its that easy! Navajo Angora fleece grows continuously and needs to be cut just like your hair, usually twice a year. The fleece is dense and lustrous, the locks form characteristic ringlets with reversal of twist along the length. Navajo Angora differs from the American Angora in that the face and legs are fleece free. Navajo Angora more closely resemble its original Turkish ancestors in this respect.  


Navajo Angora Goats are docile, spunky and playful. They have the curiosity of the cat and experience their world like a 2-year-old child, everything new must be explored! They are delightful pets and super smart!

Navajo Angora  Goat

Angora goats are an ancient breed of goat. Written records place the use of Angora fleece as far back as the time of Moses. The name "Angora" is the dialect pronunciation of the word Ankara, the name of the capital city of Turkey and the region where the goats originate from. In Turkey, these goats are called the "tiftik" goats. The Navajo Angora are descendants of animals first imported to the United States in 1849 by Dr. James P. Davis of South Carolina. Nine goats in total were imported, a gift from the Sultan of Turkey for Dr. Davis's teachings on cotton.  Navajo Angora are registered with the International Goat, Sheep, Camelid Registry 

Navajo Angora  Goats